Pengembangan Pembelajaran Kurikulum Merdeka
The rationale or background of this article is based on the value of education QS. Al-Kahfi:
109, QS. Lukman: 27, QS. Al-Mujadalah ayat 11, QS. Al-Baqarah:132 dan QS. Adz
Dzariyat: 56 and based on the law of the republic of Indonesia concerning the National
education system number 20 of 2003 in CHAPTER 2 concerning the basis, functions and
objectives stated in article 3 and UNESCO and the ideas that emerge are inspired in order to
imitate Allah when introducing the relegion of Islam to humans and sending down miracles
to his messengers. The focus of discussion in this paper is how is the concept of independent
curriculum in Indonesia? What are the characteristics and principles of independent
curriculum learning in Indonesia? The research methodology in this paper uses a qualitative
approach with the type of library research. The data source is in the form of scientific texts
which are analyzed using content analysis. The findings of this study are that is better if the
independent curriculum learning in Indonesia is developed by applying the principles of
learning 2x3, the material and the Qur-anic songs as a learning distruction with the
development of tecnology based learning media. 2). The learning characteristics of the
independent curriculum in Indonesia are in the teaching module inserted P5, namely the
Pancasila student development profile project and applied differentiation learning. The are
five prinsiples of independent curriculum learning in indonesia, namely the condition of
students, lifelong learners, holistic, relevant and sustainable.
Keywords : Development, Learning, Kurikulum Merdeka.
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