Exploring Self-Concept as A Career Determinant for Students of Islamic Education Counseling Guidance Study Program: Study on BKPI IAIN Students Curup Semester VI Year 2021/2022


  • Syamsul Rizal IAIN Curup




This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The tempat of this research is IAIN
Curup, Rejang Lebong Regency. The subject of the study was a student of BKPI
concentration semester VI. Data collection techniques by means of observation,
interviews, documentation. Data analysis techniques by means of data collection, data
presentation, and conclusions. From the research, it can be seen that knowledge
regarding self-concept is many research subjects. BK students' knowledge of their
overall self-concept is still looking for their identity and potential, the expectations of
BK PI students regarding careers are not all interested in education.

Keywords: self-concept, career, BKPI



2023-09-20 — Updated on 2023-09-20


How to Cite

Rizal, S. . (2023). Exploring Self-Concept as A Career Determinant for Students of Islamic Education Counseling Guidance Study Program: Study on BKPI IAIN Students Curup Semester VI Year 2021/2022. Tafhim Al-’Ilmi, 15(01), 87–98. https://doi.org/10.37459/tafhim.v15i01.6812