Optimalisasi Pendekatan Scientific dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam


  • Sarini Musyafi'ah Ali Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim
  • Kartini Ponengoh Man. Model Medan




This study serves to determine the extent of the use of scientific approaches in
learning Islamic religious education. The method used in this research is to use
library research or library research. Where research uses reference books, articles,
and journals related to the research title. The 2013 curriculum is a development of
the Competency Based Curriculum which was first released in 2004 which
includes competency attitudes, knowledge, and skills by using a scientific
approach in learning. Learning by using a scientific approach is a learning process
that is designed so that students are actively involved in contradicting principles,
concepts, or laws by going through several stages of learning activities. The work
process of this approach is to prioritize the logic of inductive thinking rather than
deductive. Learning with a scientific approach is a learning process that is
designed so that students are actively involved in understanding the material
without relying on information conveyed by the teacher. The learning step with a
scientific approach includes observing, asking, trying, reasoning (associating),
concluding, and communicating (forming networks). The use of the scientific
approach is intended so that the material delivered by the teacher or educator can
be understood by students. Before carrying out learning activities using a
scientific approach, the teacher must make some preparations by preparing
learning instruments such as lesson plans. Basically, all learning activities are left
to each teacher to be able to develop innovation and creativity. although the
preparation is not the same as the example, but it can provide a reference for the
use of a scientific approach




How to Cite

Ali, S. M., & Ponengoh, K. (2020). Optimalisasi Pendekatan Scientific dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam. Tafhim Al-’Ilmi, 11(2), 201–222. https://doi.org/10.37459/tafhim.v11i2.3750