Bimbingan Karir Bagi Kelas XII (Studi Analisis Terhadap Program PSG (Pemulung Sampah Gaul) dan Perpustakaan Masuk Kelas di SMA III Annuqayah Guluk-guluk Sumenep Madura)
(Pemulung Sampah Gaul) dan Perpustakaan Masuk Kelas di SMA III Annuqayah Guluk-guluk Sumenep Madura)
This research was conducted based on the importance of career guidance for Grade XII. Some of
the main ideas are students of grade XII are always confused about taking steps after graduating
from high school. Some of them have no idea at all to take the next step after graduating from high
school. Another problem when they are going to continue to the college is an incompatible between
their interest and the their parents’ hope. While, to start a business, they do not have much
experience of work, either to be employee or to start their own business. The guidance counseling
unit at SMA III Annuqayah Guluk-guluk Sumenep Madura is an urgent unit that cares to those
problems and provides a unique and targeted career to the students. The main factor of researcher
interested in doing this research is seeing many facts, especially in Madura which does not care
about the circumstances and problems faced by end grade students. Thus, the researcher wants to
expose how important the career guidance for grade XII. The school should give attention and solve
the problems, so the students have the opportunity to think well in making decision related to their
future careers. This research is qualitative and took the guidance counseling unit at SMA III
Annuqayah as the background. The research sample used purposive sampling and snowball
sampling. The data collection methods were interviews, observation and documentation. The data
analysis was conducted with descriptive data analysis developed by Milles and Hubberman
included three activities simultaneously, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The
results of this study are, 1) The implementation of the PSG (Gaul scavengers) program is given to
grade XII devided into three working group teams, namely; plastic waste team, organic fertilizer
team, and local food team. 2) the implementation of the classroom library program is carried out as
an effort to open students' mind by provided interesting readings for students from various types of
writing and various themes to be discussed and created written works. 3) There are three obstacles
in the PSG (Gaul scavengers) program, namely: the limited time that students have, the lack of
facilities such as sewing machines and special kitchens for the local food team. 4) the obstacles for
the classroom library program are the instability of students’ spirit, the slowness of newspapers
delivery to school, and the lack of figures from the school in producing written works.
Kata kunci: Bimbingan Karir, PSG, dan Perpustakaan Masuk Kelas.
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